City of Raceland Police Department Video Management System

The Raceland Police Department uses video technology to aid in investigations, special events, critical incidents, and other public safety incidents. Video technology helps the department’s anti-crime strategy, and enhances public safety. The Video Management System (VMS) allows the department to view and record city-owned video system footage to improve public safety and aid in investigations.

Register your cameras with Raceland Police Department and help support a Real-Time Intelligence System that unifies public safety assets, traffic cameras, and other cameras operated by the City of Raceland, and private entities who opt-in. For businesses, community partners, and residents who would like to opt-in and help solve crime in Raceland, there is a way they can partner with the department. Easiest way is to register their security cameras. Registering security cameras lets officers and detectives know there is a camera in the area and could have footage, if an incident occurs. Registering cameras is free, and completely voluntary. If an incident occurs, an Officer from the Raceland Police Department will contact the camera owner via email or phone to look at footage. Registering a camera does NOT give the police department direct access to camera footage. This is simply a contact list of community partners that the police department is able to contact if something was to occur near their address.

Anyone that would like to register a camera or learn more about how they can share access, can do so at the link below.

Register your Cameras

Please select an option below to learn more about the Raceland Police Department or to make an inquiry.


Registered Cameras


City Owned Integrated Cameras